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Posts in Category: Guest blog 's blog
Time to ‘get on with it’
Will Jones, chief operating officer at BHETA, approaches the Brexit conundrum, and what happens next
If you take all the officially published statistics at face value, it’s as ifthe overall economy is standing still, while we all wait for something to happen, whether that’s elections here and across the pond, Brexit, or the...
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Posted by Guest blog
07 January 2020 11:08:00
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re: Latest update on Green Homes Grant and implications for homeowners and landlords
John Hart
After applying for a green homes how long will it take for a decision? thanks
re: Leading UK stair part and mouldings manufacturer expands further
Nice write up ;-)
re: SX Rainproof Exterior Caulk
I need the exterior sx rain resistant caulk! Can't get it anywhere so please help! How can I order it? Need it yesterday
re: BCT can replicate any material in a ceramic tile
Christina Tiritanou
Not sure if you can help as I require a tile which has the measurements of 6”x 6”? Thank you.
re: Latest update on Green Homes Grant and implications for homeowners and landlords
colin thompson
SarahVery clear and helpful information.Thanks
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