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B&Q staff star in new campaign

Published: 22 October 2008
B&Q has announced that it is launching a new advertising campaign that signals a return to using real-life store staff.
Titled 'Real Staff, Real Value', the multi-million pound TV and print campaign through JWT also introduces an evolution of B&Q's end line from 'Let's do it' to 'Let's do it...let's B&Q it'.

B&Q pioneered the use of store staff in its advertising when it introduced audiences to its in-store experts in 1996. Over the years, more than 500 employees in orange aprons have featured in the popular B&Q ads.

Paul Kehoe, group business director at JWT said: "We've embraced the idea of 'reality' TV for 2008 0 B&Q staff are human and fallible and it's this imperfection coupled with a genuine desire to maximise every consumer contact with the brand, which makes B&Q so special."

B&Q is joining the global One Planet Living partnership - a commitment to operate sustainability - and launched its One Planet Home product range to help its customers do the same. The One Planet Home Starter Kit, which retails at £333, claims to save customers £1000 a year on household expenses.


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