BHETA puts new focus on export
Published: 8 September 2014
This month's export forum marked the start of "a concerted export initiative" from the British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA).
Organised jointly with its trade challenge partner, the UKT&I, the event attracted almost 50 BHETA members in DIY, garden and housewares, and was pronounced the best ever in BHETA's series of guest speaker and networking occasions.
The day was equally relevant to export novices, operators with limited experience looking to expand or long-standing exporters looking to develop additional markets.
Regional director of the UKT&I, Paul Noon, presented an overview of the export opportunities and help that was available, including a preview of government initiatives yet to be formally unveiled. He was supported by three UKT&I international trade advisors who ran separate breakout sessions for members depending on their level of export experience.
The forum also featured advice on foreign exchange transactions and currency risk management from associate member AFEX and case studies from Aerolatte and Spear & Jackson. The event closed with a networking lunch providing ample opportunities to talk to other exporters and speakers.
Spear & Jackson managing director Ian Archer commented: "The BHETA export forum provided a superb opportunity to meet and discuss the opportunities and challenges with other like-minded organisations working towards the same goal to further unlock and realise the massive potential export markets have to offer."
According to BHETA's home improvement sector director, Peter Stone: "This forum signals the start of a concerted export initiative from BHETA as trade challenge partners of the UKT&I. We will be supplying members who attended specific leads for their sector as a result of this occasion and following up with more workshops on specific export issues."