The summer fuels and barbecue range launched at Glee by Bord na Mona UK has seen great take-up in the garden retail trade, says the company.
Positioned as a convenience-led offer, the fully-merchandised and strongly branded range can be delivered alongside growing media orders, and the recent good weather has prompted some early season sell-through.
The range includes the 5kg Chiminea Firepak - an instant 'fire in a bag'; an instant barbecue grill unit; instant lighting charcoal in a choice of 2kg and 4kg SKUs; charcoal briquettes and charcoal lumpwood; and the 1kg instant lighting Firelog and Firemaker - the easy and eco-friendly alternative to traditional firelighters.
Split pallet and promotional deals including merchandisers are available and delivery can be from next day to five working days.