Despite protests from locals, Taunton Deane council approves plans for seven-acre garden centre site in Wellington.
Locals who were against the plans formed a campaign group called the Tone Action Group in a bid to try and stop the huge development, which will be situated north of the river Tone.
However, group was unsuccessful in its plight when, in an open meeting last Wednesday, councillors approved the plans, which include a single-storey garden centre - around twice the size of the local Asda supermarket - and parking for around 100 cars on the seven-acre site.
A spokesperson for Taunton Deane Borough Council said: "Despite considerable objections from members of the public, the application to build a new garden centre was recommended for permission on the basis that it was in accordance with the relevant development plan policies and that neither Somerset County Council as Transport authority or the council's landscape officer had objected."
The council admitted that the vote was close, won by 9 votes to seven, subject to a legal agreement, the submission of further highways details and he imposition of restrictions on the types of goods to be sold.
"The committee, after hearing from local representatives and having a long debate, were minded to refuse the application. However, after further consideration of the planning issues, they decided there were no substantive planning reasons to justify refusal."
The spokesperson added: "I understand that this will be an unpopular decision in some sections of the Wellington community, however, a planning decision can only be refused where there are legitimate planning reasons to do so, and in this case, there were none."