GIMA backs call for pragmatic approach to secure historic UK-EU agreement
Published: 21 October 2020 - Sarah Mead
The Garden Industry Manufacturers Association (GIMA) has joined with 71 other trade associations and the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) to urge the government to reach an agreement regarding a Brexit deal to ensure that the UK remains a key player in international trade.
The joint statement, which was handed to politicians last week and reflected the feelings of over 190,000 business and 7 million employees, presented a united voice which calls upon the need for a quick agreement so that UK jobs and livelihoods can be safeguarded.
Vicky Nuttall, GIMA Director said; “On behalf of GIMA and its members, I was grateful that we were able to add our name to the list of organisations supporting the CBI. With a deal comes certainty, and certainty provides a much more tangible base for building further growth in our sector, something which is needed more than ever as we all recover from the first wave of COVID-19 and prepare for a second wave. Time is of the essence now, and businesses, particularly GIMA members, need clarity on the way ahead in order to be able to successfully manage the supply chain for next season, particularly when interest in gardening is at an all-time high.”
UK Transition Hub
To further support the Brexit transition, GIMA has added an informative resource to its website – - available to both members and non-members. This ‘UK Transition Hub’ outlines all the government advice as we head towards 1 January 2021, including a handy checklist which outlines the necessary ‘next steps’ for business covering topics such as importing and exporting, chemical regulations, workforce, access to R&D funding, energy, intellectual property and waste movement.
The Hub also connects readers with key organisations such as Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and the CBI, outlining the latest advice from these organisations including access to vital webinar sessions.
Import Trade Tariffs, Trade Continuity Agreements, and Product and Marking Certification are also key topics featured.
To access the UK Transition Hub please visit
For further information regarding GIMA’s wider support tools and network please call (01959) 564947 or email