Home bargains and Aldi to open in Horsted Retail Park
Published: 31 May 2019 - Kiran Grewal
The former Toys 'R Us unit in Chatham, Kent, will be subdivided between four businesses in spring 2020, two of which are an Aldi and Home Bargains.
The development is set to create more than 190 new jobs and a Royal London spokesman said it will create more than £1.5 million in annual wages for Medway people.
Yasin Sadiq, senior asset manager with Royal London, the firm behind the plans, said: “We are very pleased to be commencing construction work at Horsted Retail Park and look forward to delivering four exciting new businesses to the community in 2020.
“Our plans secure the regeneration of a gateway site in Chatham, which is currently vacant, and will create a number of benefits for the local community, including over 190 new jobs and much-needed highway improvements.”