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Home Hardware shop manager receives Special Recognition Award

Published: 6 December 2017 - Fiona Garcia
Fiona Robson being presented with her award by Home Hardware chairman David Adams
Fiona Robson being presented with her award by Home Hardware chairman David Adams

Fiona Robson was presented with the accolade at the recent Home Hardware convention in recognition of the help and support she has given to The Islands Home Hardware on the Isles of Scilly

Ms Robson was presented with the award at the convention at The Woolacombe Bay Hotel last month.

According to Home Hardware, when she applied for the post of part-time shop assistant at The Islands Home Hardware in April 1997, Ms Robson stated that she wanted ‘a job with no responsibilities’. Now, 20 years later she is the full-time manager and is responsible for a staff of five and a turnover approaching half a million pounds.

Mr Robson also oversees the lion’s share of the purchasing and finds time to create a new window display every three weeks. Seven years ago the shop’s owner Michael Day suffered a major stroke. When Julia, his wife and business partner, called Ms Robson that evening to say they were about to be air-lifted by helicopter to Truro hospital, her response was immediate – “don’t worry I’ll open the shop tomorrow”. Praising Ms Robson’s qualities and dedication to the business, the Days described her as “loyal, reliable, unflappable,” adding, “she has been opening the shop ever since”.

Julia Day said: “There is no doubt in my mind that our business would have folded without Fiona’s dedication and ability. She has never once hesitated or complained, she gave me the time and space to care for my husband until sadly, he recently passed away – I cannot thank her enough. If running the shop wasn’t responsibility enough, Fiona also runs the local Brownie Pack, rising to become District Commissioner for the Girl Guides. She still gives up two weeks of her annual holiday every year to help run the summer camp. She also organises the vast Beach Clean operation after the World Gig Championships and is a very hands-on grandma”.

Home Hardware chief executive Martin Elliott added: “We are delighted to present this award to Fiona. It is always nice to recognise the exceptional dedication and support of an outstanding person who has been such a major help to one of our Members”.




09 December 2017 07:26:35

Well done we need people whom you can rely upon the time of difficulties .Amazing real life lesson to learn specially when supermarkets and screwfixes,b@qs dominate the market share and in turn independents still providing good products @ services.Thank you for sharing the story.

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