Home sales down but customers still updating their space, says John Lewis
Published: 9 August 2019 - Fiona Garcia
Despite a dip in home sales this week, John Lewis says consumers are still buying decorative accessories, such as rugs, art and mirrors to spruce up their homes
The department store business posted a 7.1% fall in sales of home products last week but believes consumers are still refreshing their homes with decorative touches, as sales of rugs jumped 17%, whilst mirrors and art were up 4% and 6% respectively.
Electrical and home technology also took a hit this week, with sales down 6.6%, as the retailer competed with the previous seven days, when sales of environmental care products, such as fans and air purifiers, soared. John Lewis recorded a 120% uplift in sales of fans during that week, with handheld models the most popular line. The cooler weather this past week has seen demand for these lines drop off.
Overall, total sales for John Lewis for the week ended August 6 were down 2.7 % on the same period last year.