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HTA board changes and Caroline Owen resumes presidency

Published: 11 October 2012
The Horticultural Trades Association has appointed three new directors to its board, which will once again be chaired by Caroline Owen of Scotsdales Garden Centre, who announced at the agm that she is resuming her role as president.
HTA board changes and Caroline Owen resumes presidency
Roundstone Nurseries' managing director Peter Cook, Klondyke Garden Centres' chief executive Robert Hewitt, and Mark Person, ceo of Gardman Group, will join "a refreshed HTA board". Meanwhile, Caroline Owen has agreed to take up the presidency for a one-year term following the appointment of previous president Carol Paris as the new HTA director general. This means Stan Green from Growforth will continue as vice president another year.

Mr Cook, who joined Roundstone in 2008, brings his experience in management accountancy in the building industry, sales and marketing with blue chip companies including Kelloggs, and food supply to the HTA board. Mr Hewitt brings garden retail experience dating back to the 80s, including a role as chief executive of Wyevale Garden Centres for eight years.

Mr Pearson trained as a chartered accountant before holding a variety of international roles with a number of blue chip companies, and was appointed ceo of Gardman in 2008 following the purchase of the business by Barclays Private Equity (now Equistone).

President Caroline Owen said: "The last 9 months have been a period of review and reflection for the HTA as the board has sought to build on the association's many strengths and look to the future. We were delighted to announce the appointment of Carol Paris as our new chief executive in the summer and these new board appointments bring to the HTA new levels of support and insight to underpin this important work."

The new board members join Ian Ashton of Lowaters Nursery, Stan Green of Growforth Ltd, John Lord of John Woods Nurseries, David Norman of Abercorn Plant and Garden Centre, and Caroline Owen of Scotsdales Garden Centre.


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