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Insect-O-Cutor launches two new flying insect control products

Published: 7 September 2021 - Neil Mead

Insect-O-Cutor has launched a powerful new product to control flying insects in indoor, commercial environments.


Insect-O-Cutor PlusZap features pre-installed UV lamps to attract flying insects with a killing grid offering an effective catch area. The PlusZap includes a catch tray for quick and easy maintenance and has three simple mounting options for installation to a wall, desk and ceiling suspension.

Made from robust aluminium and UV stable plastic consumption with a slim and discreet design, the PlusZap is made to ensure efficient UV light output for fly killing indoors while offering a reduced energy consumption cost*.

Insect-O-Cutor is the world's leading flying insect control solutions provider offering a comprehensive range of flying insect control products. It provides leading insect prevention and control for a wide range of applications.

*35% reduction in energy consumption cost compared with the second generation PlusZap model

To find out more about the PlusZap, call 0800 988 5359 or email


Insect-O-Cutor, has also launched a new product offering the ideal solution for catching unwanted flies including mosquitoes and midges outdoors.


Specially developed for outdoor use, Insect-O-Cutor Nomad features innovative UV LED technology and a powerful electric grid that acts as a bug zapper to offer protection against flying and biting insects.

Nomad has been created with convenience in mind and is designed to have a dual-purpose, operating as a hanging light and insect catcher in one. It is ideal for use on holiday, camping or when outdoor entertaining. It has a collapsible compact design and can be used as bright as 200 lumens with three adjustable dimmer settings.

Nomad is a fully portable fly killer, suitable for tabletop use worldwide and charged via USB for up to 18 hours* of use at a time.

Insect-O-Cutor is the world's leading flying insect control solutions provider offering a comprehensive range of flying insect control products. It provides leading insect prevention and control for a wide range of applications.

Insect-O-Cutor Nomad has an RRP of £44.99. For listing enquiries or to find out more about the Nomad, call 0800 988 5359 or email

*When light is on dimmest setting




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