Metal paint can recycling project scoops top award
Published: 18 November 2013
The Metal Packaging Manufacturers Association and Ardagh Group scooped the packaging industry's top corporate and social responsibility award - CSR Initiative of the Year - at the recent UK Packaging Awards for their metal paint can recycling project.
The initiative engaged with 400 local authorities and WRAP to ascertain the extent of facilities for the collection of empty metal paint cans for recycling, and resulted in the allocation of a 'Widely Recycled at Local Council Recycling Centres' label by the On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) scheme.
The activity was underpinned by the distribution of consumer information through recycling centres and selected B&Q stores highlighting local recycling points and paint disposal methods. A supporting YouTube video was also produced.
MPMA director and CEO Nick Mullen, commented: "This award shows unequivocal packaging industry endorsement of a campaign presenting metal as a permanently available material that can be recycled indefinitely. Paint manufacturers and retailers can be in no doubt when considering truly sustainable packaging for paint.
"The campaign also helps local authorities and householders understand more readily the actual mechanics of paint and paint can disposal - from support for paint recycling initiatives through to drying residue paint left in containers."
The awards judges deemed the project "groundbreaking" and "brilliant".