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News Alert: 57% of UK shoppers want digital engagement in the aisle to improve CX and inform purchasing decisions

Published: 8 September 2021 - Neil Mead

UK shoppers are increasingly demanding more digital information at the shelf edge to improve in-store shopping experiences and help inform their buying decisions, the latest research from Pricer, the world’s most reliable provider of ESLs (Electronic Shelf Labels), reveals.


Original research of over 2,000 UK shoppers in Pricer’s latest ‘Pricer UK Consumer Insight Report 2021’ showed that two thirds (65%) would be more likely to buy a product in-store when they can easily and clearly access information about the product digitally.  In what it describes as ‘the information revolution at the shelf-edge’, almost six in ten (57%) consumers would like to have more access to product details in addition to pricing, whilst nearly half (49%) would like more digital signage at the shelf-edge to help inform their buying decisions.

And this, the Pricer report suggests, is particularly important for complex, high consideration or big ticket items, where shoppers want to be able to self-serve information about the product and its specifications digitally at the point of display. Over 60% said access to digital product information became increasingly important when shopping for expensive items, while 45% have been put off buying a complex or considered purchase when there wasn’t enough product information available.

Duncan Potter, CMO at Pricer, comments: “With digital signage and the use of QR formats at the shelf-edge, retailers can optimise the customer’s self-service experience in the aisle, allowing them to get all the information they need to inform their buying decision, without over bombarding them.  Similarly, with real-time integration between the digital shelf and the retailer’s online offer, consistency of pricing, product spec and promotion can be consistently managed more dynamically to improve CX and drive conversions.”

For further information on how retailers can improve CX at the shelf-edge to drive in-store conversions and enhanced in-aisle experiences, download the full report at:



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