Essential reading for retailers and suppliers in the home improvement market

Ocado forum explores new opportunities for BHETA members

Published: 9 March 2018 - Fiona Garcia
Ocado's Martin De La Fuente presented to BHETA members, highlighting opportunities for suppliers - including British manufacture

BHETA’s February 21 networking forum featured Ocado’s senior buying manager, Martin de la Fuente, Richard Butler from the CBI, Glynn Jones from the Bank of England, and Rob Ingram from Root 7.  In a positive and entertaining session, each of the four presentations outlined the opportunities that exist for all sellers, regardless of BREXIT, as well and the ‘horses to back’ for the future.

Martin De La Fuente presented a lively overview of mass-market retailing across grocery and housewares, demonstrating the context in which the Ocado offer has flourished. Covering the current market and latest consumer trends in internet trading and home purchasing, Mr De La Fuente outlined the future strategic direction and focus of Ocado and its associated online brands – including breaking news for the coming months. He also highlighted the opportunities for suppliers including British manufacture and promotional support and how best to pitch a product or range to Ocado or its subsidiary brands.

Rob Ingram presented a fascinating and openhearted insight into how suppliers can make best use of online B2C market alongside conventional B2B trading.  Exploding many of the myths that restrain suppliers from full exploitation of B2C potential, Mr Ingram shared his thoughts on how suppliers can exploit the digital trade economy. Covering Amazon trading and the development of ecommerce, his experience with Root 7 was inspirational, not to say revelatory for many delegates.

In what is fast becoming one of the most entertaining as well as enlightening ‘double acts’ in the industry, CBI regional director Richard Butler co-ordinated presentations with Glynn Jones, Bank of England - West Midlands & Oxfordshire to provide the latest update on the challenges and opportunities of post-BREXIT Britain.  The two presentations were not only informative on the prospects, challenges, and potential outcomes for the UK economy following the vote to leave the EU, but also refreshingly engaging and accessible when dealing with some notoriously complex content.

BHETA’s housewares sector director, Will Jones commented on the event:, “Retailing is moving fast, and all suppliers need to have up to the minute information on the best ways of trading in today’s market.  As ever, this latest BHETA forum delivered answers and recommendations which simply cannot be ignored.  It was great to see so many great suppliers engaging with the opportunity.”

For details of this and future BHETA events and opportunities, contact the BHETA Member Services Team on 0121 237 1130 or visit the BHETA website



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