Plasti-kote reports growing interest in ‘ease-of-use’ products
Published: 19 February 2008
The latest GfK figures reveal that Plasti-kote drove a 12% volume growth and increased its market share to 77% by the end of 2007.
Terence Weldon from GfK identifies a growing consumer interest in 'ease-of-use' products which includes the spray paint category.
"Across several categories, there is clear evidence of strength coming through for 'ease-of-use' products," said Mr Golden, GfK's senior account manager for retail and technology.
"Our figures also show growth in some fashion-oriented diy products. If household budgets are squeezed to the extent that people have to spend more time at home, they will have more incentive to ensure that those homes are pleasant places to be."
The Hi-Gloss Category, which includes Plasti-kote's multi-purpose spray paint Super, available in over 60 colours, was one of the main drivers in the market with over 15% volume growth.