Waste compliance an important issue for BHETA members
Published: 20 May 2019 - Kiran Grewal
BHETA members logged on to a webinar set up by BHETA associate member, Wastepack, to provide updates on the latest government consultations on Defra’s Resource and Waste Strategy, which was launched at the end of 2018. There are currently several live government consultations covering a variety of aspects of the strategy and of particular importance to BHETA members is the Reforming the UK Packaging Producer Responsibility System consultation.
The proposals have significant potential financial implications to BHETA members as follows:
- The government proposes that companies finance full net recovery of costs of packaging recycling, increasing contributions from a current value £0.15 billion up to a projected figure in the range of £0.5 to £2.0 billion
- Responsibility for financing these costs could be passed solely to the brand owner/importer or seller/importer. This could significantly increase the burden for members towards these increased costs
- Greater inclusivity of companies financing packaging recycling, with more cost for small producers not currently obligated
- More ambitious recycling rates in future – keeping in line with EU, if not exceeding. There would also be extra penalties on lower recycled content of packaging
Wastepack provides a range of compliance services and can also take on members’ legal obligations in this area in order to avoid issues of non-compliance and possible prosecution.
For more information contact Wastepack on 01279 620000 or help@wastepack.co.uk.