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Wee bit of justice for B&Q's problem customer

Published: 19 August 2014
A teenager who urinated in a display toilet at a branch of B&Q has been ordered to apologise personally to the store's manager.
The 17-year-old was filmed improperly using the toilet in the Welwyn Garden City B&Q. The footage of the incident, which was reportedly done for a bet, was then posted on the internet.

Now, police have caught up with the youngster and told him he will have to make amends.

A spokesman for Hertfordshire police said: "Police have given a 17-year-old boy from Welwyn Garden City a restorative justice resolution (RJR) after he urinated in a display toilet in B&Q, Welwyn Garden City.

"The incident was filmed and the film was posted on social media. The incident is believed to have taken place in mid-July.

"The RJR will involve him apologising in person to the manager of the store, as well as completing five hours of community-based service."


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