Welcome to DIY Week's new-look website and newsletter!
Published: 6 October 2016 - Jenny Wonnacott
DIYWeek.net has had a face-lift, and so has our weekly newsletter - with the biggest change being that both are now completely tablet and smartphone-friendly.
Digital development is underway at DIYWeek.net, with our new site having gone live just a few weeks ago. As part of this, our newsletter has also been undergoing a few changes to make it a stronger, more informative and user-friendly platform for your essential DIY and garden retail industry news.
New updates, features and development on the website is happening every day and we appreciate our readers' patience as we iron out the last few glitches and kinks. Our overall aim to develop a site and newsletter that is more interactive, up-to-date and digitally savvy than our old. We hope you agree!
If you would like to comment on our new site, offer any suggestions or register a complaint, please don't hesitate to get in touch:
Jenny Wonnacott*, Acting Editor: jwonnacott@datateam.co.uk,
Jo Bamber: Advertising Manager: jbamber@datateam.co.uk.
*Please note, Jenny Briscoe is now known as Jenny Wonnacott following her wedding to Gary Wonnacott in early September.