BHETA has welcomed two new DIY members to the association: Yale EMEA and Hozelock.
Hozelock's director of Western Europe Richard Carr said: "We have been looking to join a trade association that would both represent our views within the DIY sector and deliver real value across the core aspects of our business. We quickly decided that BHETA was the right partner to fulfil our requirements."
Yale manager Caroline Martin added that the lock manufacturer is pleased to become a member of BHETA and is sure the partnership will be a recipe for success as it 'earns back' its membership through the various services and discounts available.
BHETA sector director (DIY) Peter Stone said the addition of new members is "turning the tide after what's been a messy period for BHETA".
He added: "We've got a new president and a new board of directors, so I think we're really starting to deliver and the best is yet to come. All our focus is now on supporting members going forward, and adding value to their businesses."