Essential reading for retailers and suppliers in the home improvement market

B&Q wins hearts and minds of environmentally conscious shoppers

Published: 27 February 2008
Exclusive Times survey finds diy retailer top of the class in its sector on green and social issues.
An exclusive survey for The Times has revealed B&Q is seen as one of the more environmentally conscious businesses compared to other well-known retailers.

Describing B&Q as winning over 'the hearts and minds of environmentally conscious consumers', The Times added: 'Britain's biggest home improvement chain has been voted top of the class in its sector on green and social issues'.

A Populus survey showed B&Q has a higher standing among consumers than Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, Homebase or Ikea in regards to social and environmental issues.

Separately, the market researchers reported in its 'Concerned Consumer Index' that nine out of ten people feel that companies have a wider responsibility than just delivering goods at the lowest possible price.

Three quarters of the population, it said, claims to weigh-up a company's reputation before buying its products or services, and nearly three in five say they actively avoid purchasing from certain companies because of questions they have about their social, environmental or ethical track record.

Populus added: "What marks out the 'Concerned Consumer' is that they do all these things. They belong to that half of the adult population that not only cares about social, environmental and ethical issues but actually does so enough to change their purchasing behaviour."


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