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New B&Q trade discount card offers up to 25% discount

Published: 29 April 2008
Card holders entitled to cash back.
B&Q has introduced a special discount card specifically for the trade sector after successful trials in Scotland.

The card entitles holders to cash back, dependent on the types of products they buy, rather than accumulating points in order to receive benefits.

"For the nuts and bolts and other hardware products, customers could benefit from a discount of up to 25%, with a 5% discount offered for building materials," B&Q said in a statement. "There is also a 5% volume rebate for those spending over £1,000 on average for three months."

Tradesmen will also receive a discount on showroom products, such as kitchens or bathrooms.

Alan Forest, national trade manager for B&Q said: "Our trade customers are hugely important to us, which is why we've been listening carefully to their needs and are delighted to introduce our trade discount card."

The trade discount card runs alongside B&Q's trade account card.


03 January 2019 15:47:55

Don't bother responding to an 11 year old post; get off your b*m and visit local store.

08 December 2018 17:50:13
Dalveer singh
Hi I would like to join your trade member ship
22 February 2018 23:03:44

Do you lot not realise that this isn't B&Q's website?  It's a trade news publication, they won't be passing on referrals!!


09 February 2018 11:30:52

Can you please mail me an application form for discount card .Have tried to fill it in on line but it wont allow me attched  my business card or Letter header

29 January 2018 18:24:44
William barton

Please may I have an application form to become a Trade customer.    The name of the Company will be Conlon and Sons Ltd.  Thanks, William.

15 May 2017 14:17:17

AQ you are foolish to publicly publish all your details on a public www, and why respond to an 8 year old post.?

Sort with retailer direct.

14 May 2017 18:10:06
Adrian Quinney
My previous address was 10 Hamilton rd headless cross Redditch b97 5bd. I have lost my card and my new address is 90 The Drive, roundhay, Leeds LS8 1LN and my new e-mail address

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