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Relocation delivers massive expansion for Ross-on-Wye store

Published: 5 August 2013
A Herefordshire DIY store has increased its selling area more than tenfold after expanding into new premises - and is now preparing to add a garden centre.
Relocation delivers massive expansion for Ross-on-Wye store
Baileys DIY, which trades in the Labels Outlet Shopping store in Ross-on-Wye, moved last week into the adjacent former Focus DIY site - taking the business from 2,500sq ft of selling space to 28,000sq ft - while maintaining its presence within Labels.

"I know, it's huge!" director Ian Bailey said, speaking to "But we've filled it. We're a small family business and it's a big step for a small independent to take, but if you don't take those steps you'll never go forward."

Mr Bailey entered DIY retailing little more than seven months ago. The owner of a BP garage in Abergavenny, he jumped at an opportunity to buy the neighbouring Rockfield DIY along with the business's concession in the Ross outlet store, in December last year.

He says that as a DIY-retail novice he was working pretty much in the dark at the outset. "Yes, up until December 14 I didn't have a clue," he admits. But he says the 8,000sq ft South Wales store has been such a success under its new Baileys DIY name that it gave him the impetus to make the bold expansion move with the Ross outlet.

"Abergavenny is very busy - if it wasn't I wouldn't have taken this on," he says. And the initial signs are good: since last Thursday's opening of the new premises customers have been flocking in. Being right next door to Labels, the store (which is owned by Labels) benefits from its footfall. "And hopefully they'll gain from ours."

Mr Bailey had originally planned to create 20 new jobs as a result of the move. "But it could possibly be more than 20 jobs now because it's so busy," he says.

The additional space has allowed the business to expand existing product categories and to enter a host of new ones. "We've added fitted kitchens, bathrooms, wooden flooring, tiles and a lot more variety of homewares," Mr Bailey explains. "And there's some home interiors but we're going to go more into it with furniture and accessories."

There is also a new paint and decorating centre and a big new pets offer. And it doesn't stop there. "We're also going to open an 8,000sq ft garden centre on land attached to the side of the building - it was a garden centre when Focus had it," Mr Bailey goes on. "I'm not sure when because it's an awkward time for gardening now, but it'll be open for spring."

Mr Bailey says he might even look to expand further, with more branches "if this takes off".


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