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Waspinator makes radio debut

Published: 1 May 2008
Wasp free zone product graces Chris Evans' Drivetime show.
Waspinator makes radio debut
The Waspinator has made is debut on the British airwaves after Hugh Brumfitt, the license holder, appeared on Chris Evans' BBC Radio 2 Drivetime.

Mr Brumfitt was invited onto the show on April 25 after he sent a speculative e-mail to the DJ's team.

"Surprisingly, they called back and invited me on," he told

Speaking to business reporter Rebecca Pike, Mr Brumfitt explained the benefits of the Waspinator and talked of its success to-date – most of it online via the product's dedicated website.

He said: "As soon as I came off air we were inundated with interest from customers; the website crashed simply due to the overwhelming volume of interest. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say the server blew up."

The Waspinator was launched at the DIY & Garden show at Earls Court in January, and was picked by the television gardener David Domoney for his slot on the tv show, This Morning.

The Waspinator team say response was instant and overwhelming, and they are still selling 100-150 a day from that appearance alone.

"As soon as I saw the interest from the tv show we ordered 25,000 from our manufacturers – the demand is continuous," he added.


The Waspinator is sold as a lifestyle product, it uses no chemicals, or batteries. It was introduced to the UK after Mr Brumfitt said he had a 'eureka' moment whilst hearing a pest control expert on the radio.

Wasps are very territorial and a wasp will not go near what it thinks is the nest of another colony. When a wasp sees a Waspinator it thinks it is an enemy nest and knows to stay away giving a six metre radius wasp free zone.

After hearing the expert, Mr Brumfitt wondered where he could purchase such an item, and after online searches revealed a Canadian company had developed such a product that was selling very successfully in Canada and North America, but without any UK or European distribution. He subsequently obtained the UK and European franchise.

The license holder is now looking to introduce it to garden centres as he believes it would be a best-seller.

The coverage on the tv, and radio adds to other media appearances at the DIY & Garden Show earlier this year, and on the pages of home lifestyle and gardening magazines.

The Waspinator retails for £9.95 with a trade price of £5.10. Presentation boxes are supplied with orders of 96.


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