BHETA to hold Q&A session on international freight issues

Published: 9 March 2021 - Neil Mead

The British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA) is to hold a question and answer session on the current issues for international freight - including BREXIT implications - currently faced by many home improvement and home enhancement companies. 


The primary speaker will be Carolyn Hough from international freight exert and BHETA business service provider, Dascher and the session will take the form of an ‘Ask the Expert’ forum.  It takes place on March 10th at 10.30am on Zoom.

Dascher specialises in logistics for SMEs and Business Development Manager, Carolyn Hough will be taking questions about the impact of Brexit on duty, customs rates and Incoterms.  Specific subjects to be addressed will be:

  • Incoterms - DDP and DAP and associated VAT implications (EU, NI and RoI)
  • Trading with Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
  • EU VAT registration
  • Rules of Origin
  • Rise in freight costs
  • Freight delays at borders and ports

BHETA marketing manager, Steve Richardson explained, “Over the last year the cost of a container from China has increased by 5-6 times. Members need to know whether there is anything that can be done to mitigate the costs and / or when prices may come back down. The session will also look at the shipping checks being phased in due to Brexit and the changes still to come, as well as the options to minimise rule of origin duty.”

Members who would like to submit questions to the session, which is wholly devoted to Q & As should submit their questions to Nicola in the BHETA Member Services Team on by Monday 8th March.  This address can also be used for registering for attendance only.

More details of BHETA’s events programme, which includes Meet The Buyer events and networking forums with leading retailers can be found on the BHETA website  To register for any of BHETA’s current or future events, contact Nicola Adams at the BHETA Member Services Team on 07946 078566, or alternatively, email on


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