Litter Gripper refuse bag holder design is a silver medal winner,

Published: 17 August 2021 - Neil Mead

This revolutionary Litter Gripper refuse bag holder design is a silver medal winner, after representing Wales at the International Innovation Exhibition for new environmental, domestic and commercial products in Geneva 2010.

The ergonomically designed handle reduces joint strain (RSI). It is estimated that it can increase productivity by 30 per cent and can be used with a stand to create a freestanding refuse collection unit. This new innovation, with its front scoop design, means it can be used with a brush to sweep refuse directly into the bag like a dustpan. The Litter Gripper means rubbish can be dealt with as it occurs, cutting down on dust and spillage, making it perfect for DIYers, builders, painters and decorators, gardeners and house cleaning.

Used by local authorities for their litter picking teams, the Litter Gripper is supplied with a free heavy-duty reusable, recyclable starter bag, which can be reused time and time again. With its reinforced light steel rubber clip, used for heavier loads, Litter Gripper is delivered ready for use, with full instructions. Hygiene, cleanliness and avoidance of cross contamination will be on everybody's mind, due to recent events, and the Litter Gripper conforms to all up to date public health and safety requirements. Plus, it’s manufactured in the UK.

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